Thursday, June 28, 2018

Terry Crews QUITS Expendables 4 After Being Threatened Over Sexual Harassment Lawsuit!


Not only is he a big, beefy hulk of a man, he's also one of the sweetest, most genial celebs around.

But all some people see is the bottom line, we guess. Because Terry says he was threatened by an Expendables 4 producer

In his Congressional testimony about the Survivors Bill Of Rights, the Brooklyn Nine-Nine star says Avi Lerner called his manager and threatened to fire him from the upcoming sequel if he didn't drop his suit.

Crews told Congress the threat was enough for him to pull out of the franchise. He also pointed out that Lerner's company, Millennium Films, is also under investigation. He said:

"Abusers protect abusers — and this is one thing I had to decide, whether I was going to draw the line on."

See his brave testimony (below):

[Image via Lionsgate Films/YouTube.]

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